M.A., Thesis in Art, the University of Iowa, School of Art, Art History
B.A. with Honors, Art & Education, Valparaiso University
2017, Liturgical Art Presenter, IDE-LCMS Reformation 500 Workshop, June 10, Valley Lutheran School, Cedar Falls, IA
2024 – 2010, Worship Art Installations, Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
2015, Liturgical Art Presenter, IDE-LCMS Worship Workshop, August 29, Cedar Rapids, IA
2015, Color Consultant, Sanctuary Remodel, Zion Lutheran Church, Hiawatha, IA
2014, Liturgical Artist-in-Residence, April 8-11, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA
2011, Schmidt Memorial Arts Project, Central Lutheran School, Newhall, Iowa
2009, Liturgical Art Workshop, Faith Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI
2009, Liturgical Art Workshop, Peace Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, MN
2008 – 1999, Artist and Community-Made Sanctuary Art Installations, altar frontals, stoles, Bethany Lutheran Church, LCMS, Cedar Rapids, IA
2011 – 2006, Music Concert Backdrops, Trinity Lutheran School, LCMS, Cedar Rapids, IA
2008, Experiential Art Workshop, ELCA Planning Retreat, ’09 National Youth Gathering, New Orleans, LA
2008, Liturgical Art Workshop, ELCA Southeastern Iowa District Conference, Cedar Rapids, IA
2007, “Community-Made Visual Expressions of Faith for the Worship Setting”, Institute of Liturgical Studies, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
2007, 2006, Panelist, Iowa Arts Council Major Grants Advisory Panels, Des Moines, IA
2006, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League District Convention Art Backdrop, Theme, Cedar Rapids, IA
2006, Lutherans for Life National Convention Art, Cedar Rapids, IA
2005, Juror, College Hill Arts Festival, Cedar Falls, IA
1999 – 1996, Docent Volunteer, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids, IA
1998 – 2000, Family Advisory Council Member, Children’s Hospital of Iowa, the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, IA.
2023, White/Gold Chausible and Stole, Rev. John Dolde, Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
2016, All Seasons Liturgical Altar Cloth, United Methodist Homes Foundation, Binghamton, NY
2015, Art for Brauer Museum of Art/Chapel, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
2015, Schanbacher Memorial Funeral Pall, St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, Atkins, IA
2013 – 2014, Chancel hangings, 7 Liturgical colors, Mt Carmel Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
2013, Red Altar Frontals and Pastoral Stole, Bethany Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
2011, Red Paraments and Vestments, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Valparaiso, IN
2010, Chancel Hangings (5 Sets), St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Rocklin, CA
2010, Advent Hangings, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Woodbury, MN
2009, Lenten Altarcloth, Stole, Bethany Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
2008, Time of the Church Chancel Hangings, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Woodbury, MN
2008, Chancel Hangings, Vinton Lutheran Home Chapel, Vinton, IA
2004, Textile Adaptation of Grant Wood Painting, Turner Alley Visitors Center, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids, IA
2004- 2003, Chancel Hangings and Stoles (5 sets), Shepherd of The Lakes Lutheran Church, LCMS, Brighton, MI
2003, Harwood Place Fiber Art, Wauwatosa, WI
2002, Scheidt Memorial Fiber Art, Lutheran Church of The Redeemer, LCMS, Birmingham, MI
2000, Art purchased for permanent collection, Hotel Pattee, Perry, IA
1995, Art purchased for permanent collection, Brauer Museum of Art, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
2002 – 1995, Art Teacher Substitute, Cedar Rapids Metro Schools, IA
2000 – 1999, Education Director, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Cedar Rapids, IA
2001 – 1999, Director/Administrator, Summer Art Camps, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
1999 – 1998, Art Specialist, Summit School Summer Camps, Cedar Rapids, IA
1983 – 1982, Arts Rater, American College Testing Program (College Outcome Measures Project), Iowa City, IA
1979 – 1978, Teaching Assistant, the University of Iowa, School of Art, Art History, Iowa City, IA
1976 – 1972, Art Specialist, K-12, Knox Community Schools, Knox, IN
2015, Solo Exhibition, Doederlein Gallery, St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Chicago, IL
2010, Biennial Liturgical and Sacred Art Exhibit, May 1-29, Springfield Art Association, Springfield, IL
2008, 2006, Biennial Liturgical and Sacred Art Juried Exhibitions, Springfield Art Association, Springfield, IL
2004, “Imagio: A Juried Exhibition of Religious Themes in Art,” Concordia University, Seward, NE
2002, Christian Art Show, Ascension Lutheran Church, LCMS, East Lansing, MI
1997, 1996, Arts Iowa City, Center Gallery, Iowa City, IA
1996, “Three Fiber Artists”, Mt. Mercy College, Cedar Rapids, IA
1995, Solo Exhibition, Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Gallery(Metropolitan Arts Council), Cedar Rapids, IA
1994, Solo Exhibition, Mueller Commons Gallery, Valparaiso University. Valparaiso, IN
1993, Solo Exhibition, Project Art, the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, IA
1987, Solo Exhibition, Mueller Commons Gallery, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN
1986, Solo Exhibition, Project Art, the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics, Iowa City, IA